“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he!” – James Allen

Leadership Coaching

Starting in a new role, or getting back to work after a career break and wondering how to make it successful and use your strengths? o

Feeling you are not quite where you would like to be in your career and want to explore how to elevate your impact and utilise your strengths more? 

Coaching can help you get where you want to be! – Awakening self-awareness unlocks your path to new hights.

Through coaching, clients develop breakthrough thinking, access personal power & wisdom, transforming new insights into goal-directed plans for action. From a place of clarity, perspective and purpose, they are moving to fulfil on the vision they have for the future with a new found sense of confidence.  -Master Coaches

Coaching approach

Adopting a holistic approach to coaching, with blended knowledge and insights from NLP, positive psychology, applied neuroscience and psyhcometrics.

During sessions we will explore:

  • what you want to achieve – your goal(s),
  • your whywhat motivates you & keeps you going,
  • your strengths, habits
  • self-stories, self-talk, belifs and own map of the world,
  • how will you move closer to your goals,
  • what you might need to change or let go off, to learn new habits, 
  • the support you need so that you can  embarke on a transformation journey.

Choose to challenge the status quo and discover new perspectives to elevate your impact and fulfil your potential.

Coaching benefits

Coaching is not

Clients said:


I started the programme thinking I could use a ‘sounding board’. Well, what a board that was! I threw lots of threads on the board and what I got back were gems in a row!

Ralu was able to pick a thread out of many, to help me see insights in almost every session. She was able to offer positive support and encouragement in a way that felt natural and easy to emulate later, with myself and others. I was not aware about my style of communication and Ralu did, very graciously, convey it to me.

Thank you, Ralu, for your help in becoming a better ‘me’!

Cristina K.

Project Lead

My overall aim was to increase my self-confidence at work while I developed towards a more leadership focussed role.

Through our sessions and some fun reflection exercises, Ralu has helped me think about my challenges in a new way. I now take time to focus on my strengths and have a more confident mindset, which has led me to feel more comfortable about taking on new responsibilities at work. Having Ralu’s support was valuable to me during this process.

Joanna Hayes

Associate Director

I have achieved much more from our coaching relationship than I thought I would. Whenever I have something challenging on the horizon Ralu is my first point of call to help me understand the situation and figure out my strategy. Ralu’s coaching has made a very tangible difference to my career and the fulfilment I get from my work.

Penny Knowles

Project Lead


Helping you unlocking your potential! 


Helping your employees work from their strengths!